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Additional Fields

Additional fields can be associated to users, or to other platform entities such as org-chart nodes, courses and learning objects

Additional Fields (Users)

User additional fields can be created and managed under:

Admin > Settings > Additional Fields > Additional Fields


Different field types are available:

  • Text Field: create a standard text input field
  • Free text Field: create a textarea
  • Date: allow inserting a date
  • Dropdown: create a list of options the user can choose from
  • Upload: user will be able to upload a file upon registration
  • Textlabel: add a static description text inside the registration form
  • Fiscal Code: text field for Italian fiscal code
  • Yes/No: creates a radio button select field

You can assign different fields to different orgchart nodes, and create custom registration forms using the advanced registration

Custom Fields (Other items)

Can be configured under:

Admin > Settings > Additional Fields > Custom Fields Manager


Two kinds of field are available:

  • Text Field: create a standard text input field
  • Dropdown: create a list of options the user can choose from

You can associate custom fields to different platform items to extend their configurations:

  • Courses
  • Learning Objects
  • Organization Chart Nodes

These fields will be then available in reports