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User Reports

Reports in this category will show a list of users and their status on different items

Relates users to courses

This is the most commonly used report, that shows the status of each user on each course, based on the filters defined for users and courses.



Example of report relating users to courses


Report Options


Select Courses: select to include all courses or only some courses

Conditions on selected courses: apply filters to display only users with specified conditions date or score conditions (i.e., filter only users subscribed after a certain date)

Show users custom fields: select which user personal information will be shown in the report

Custom Org: show data from the user org-chart custom fields

Display courses information: select which course information to show

Additional fields for courses: show data from the course custom fields

Classroom fields: show specific course information for classroom courses 

Display user's information about courses: choose which information display about the user status on the course: status (i.e., completed, in progress), dates, scores, etc.

Progress: display user progress as percentage or progress bar

Other options: exclude suspended users, ordering options

Make delay analysis

This report will filter only users with specified completion status in a defined time range, to monitor user delays and send reminders.

Filter Options

It is possible to select users based on their status on the course:

  • Users that haven't completed the course
  • Users who haven't started the course
  • All conditions must be satisfied

And based on the time condition of course and subscription:

  • After (specify number) days from their subscription
  • Course expiring in (specify number) days
  • Course expiring on (specify date)

Relates users to Learning Objects

This report displays the status and progress of each user on the learning objects of one or more courses.

Report Options

Learning Objects types: choose which types of LO to include in the report

Select milestones: select to include or exclude milestones LO

Show users fields: show some information about the user

Display courses information: show some information about the user

Learning Objects Info: include information about the LO

Relates users to tests

Like the Learning Objects report, but filtered on test LO

Relates users to communications

Show if users have viewed communications

Relates users to corporate contests

Show user status on corporate contests