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80 total results found

Registration for courses with code


With Forma Lms you have the possibility to set a code that the user could use in order to enroll in a course. There are two different ways of setting the code: A unique code that all users will use to register for a single course; A list of one-off codes,...

Automate enrollment for courses with Enrollment Policies


The “enrollment policies” are rules that allow you to automate the enrollment of users to courses based on their organization chart, group, or role node. Let's see in this simple tutorial how to proceed. The enrollment policies can be reached in administration...

How to insert learning materials in a course


In this tutorial we describe the procedure that allows the insertion of learning materials in a course. In a different tutorial we have described in detail the procedure that allows the creation and configuration of a course. In this tutorial we will see how t...

How to create a course


Creating a course in Forma Lms To create a new course on the platform, it is foremost important to know that the procedure is divided into two main parts: The first part is to create the course configuration (from administration) The second part, on the o...

Assignment of competences using roles


It is very likely that within a company, those who hold a certain role must have certain skills obtained upon the completion of certain courses. For example: the HR Manager in fulfilling his / her role must have certain skills, such as Leadership, Group Manage...

How to upload and configure the FAQ


After seeing how to create and configure the verification test, let's move on to the detailed description of the loading and configuration of the FAQ within a course. Go to Front end, click on “My courses” and click on the course title. For example, we will c...

How to configure tests


Below we will describe in detail how to configure tests in Forma LMS.  Go to Front end, click on “My courses” and click on the course title. For example, we will click on the title of the course “Excel”     To configure the materials, click on the menu ite...

How to create an elearning course with editions


Create an elearning course with editions You may find yourself in the situation where you want an elearning course to have different start and end dates depending on the group of users who use the course. For example, you may wish that a group of users, calle...

How to configure the Glossary L.O.


Creation of the Glossary in a course Go to Front end, click on “My courses” and click on the course title. For example, we will click on the title of the course, “Excel”.    To configure the material, click on the menu item “Teachers Area / Learning Objec...

How to register a user to the LMS


User registration to the LMS How to register a user on the platform? How to enroll one or more users on a course? Let's see how. Obviously, to enroll a user in a course, it is necessary that the user is already on the platform. Let's start with the registrat...

Creating a Course Report (Part Two)


In the first part of the tutorial, we had seen how to create a course report where we want to know the details of each participant. In this second part, we will describe how to create a summary report of one or more courses. How to create a summary report of ...

The metacertificates


Aggregated certificates (metacertificates) In Forma Lms, typically when they have completed a course, users can be assigned not only certificates but also metacertificates. We say typically because certificates and metacertificates can actually also be assig...

How to enroll one or more users to a course


In a different tutorial we describe how to register users to the LMS one by one or in bulk. We can do the same with enrollment: we can choose whether to proceed with the enrollment of each individual user or to import a file in which we have created the list o...

How to configure the menus of a course


This tutorial is dedicated to a useful feature that allows you to configure the menu within a course. Let's see step by step how to proceed … In this tutorial we will see in detail the procedures for: Change the standard menus from the back end: administra...

How to create a classroom course with editions


When it is necessary?In the event that there is a need to create multiple editions for a single course, for example because a classroom course takes place in different cities and on different dates. How should we proceed? Classroom course creation To access ...

Event booking


The “Event Booking” module allows teachers and administrators to create a system of physical events in which users can register through the platform.To configure an event you need to follow simple steps, let's see them together. To make the organization of th...

How to configure the catalogs


What are the Catalogs for? The catalog is usually used if you want to allow users to self-register for courses. In some cases — since the courses can be divided into “categories” — it is also useful to show the courses divided into categories. This is especia...

How to manage the users list - Second part


Today we will focus on the step-by-step description of the manual “user creation” procedure. In fact, it is also possible to import users via CSV files, for massive subscriptions. Let's take as an example the creation of the user 'Mario Rossi' in the organizat...

How to manage the users list - First Part


The tutorial on how to manage the users list is divided in two parts:  The first part is to create the hierarchical structure of your organization (optional). The second part consists of creating and inserting user data.   In this article, we will desc...

Creating a Course Report (Part One)


During the delivery of a course, it is often essential to know the progress of the user in order to know, for example, if it is appropriate to organize a reminder mailing for those who have not yet completed the course (it can be done from the same Forma Lms p...