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Server Specifications

  • Server type: Linux, Windows, MacOs, Unix, Sun
  • Apache 2.2.x or above (on Windows also IIS can be used)
  • PHP version:
    • Forma 2.x: PHP 5.4.x  to 7.0.x
    • Forma 3.x:  PHP 7.4.x
    • Forma 4.x: PHP 7.4 to 8.1
  • PHP settings:
    • Fileinfo support : ON
    • Openssl support: on
    • Multibyte Support: ON
    • mime_content_type() support: ON
    • magic_quotes_gpc : OFF
    • register_global : OFF
    • allow_url_fopen : ON
    • allow_url_include : OFF
    • upload_max_filsize : 8M or higher
    • post_max_size : 8M or higher
    • max_execution_time : 30s or higher
    • memory_limit = 256M or higher (advised 512 MB fore large files management)



  • Forma 1.x - 2.x: Mysql 5.0 or higher, mariadb 5.5 or higher.
  • Forma 3.x : MySql 5.6 or higher, MariaDB 10.0, 10.1
  • Forma 4.x: MySql 5.7, MariaDB 10.3
    Note: db server engine must have transaction support (innodb recommended)

  • Database Driver: MySQLi
  • Sql encoding: utf8


WARNING - MySQL Strict Mode
Until version 2.4.2 Forma LMS requires MySql strict mode set to OFF.
Please make sure your hosting provider allows this configuration
This restriction has been removed since version 2.4.3

WARNING - MySQL 5.7 Settings
Using MySQL version 5.7 requires some specific configuration. Check this thread for details