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Installation and Upgrade


  1. Create the database on your dbserver:
    • If the db user has permissions, the installer can create the database for you
    • You can use any db admin tool, such as phpmyadmin
      If you use a prepackaged webserver on your PC ,PC, the default db admin link is http://localhost/mysql/ or http://localhost/phpmyadmin
    • Be sure you have your database parameters available (host, user, password, dbname)
    • The database must be defined with UTF-8 encoding
  2. Upload all the files in your root directory or subfolder. 
    • If you want use at runtime FTP upload features, be sure you have your ftp parameters (host, user, password)
    • forma.lms web is protected with apache .apache.htaccess files from unauthorized use. OftenOften, dot-files are hidden from view. Check your environment and be sure that these files are also uploaded
  3. Launch (of course you should type your domain, not ""com”)
  4. Follow installation instructions. Note: during installationinstallation, a config file is created in the application root directory. In case your root is missing writing permissions, you can download it from the link provided on the last installation step, and upload it manually.
  5. To secure youyour installation, at the end of install, remove or rename the install and upgrade folders


During the install procedure, the system will load XML file languages.
Depending on number of language chosen, this operation can take some time in order to complete



  1. Make a full backup of db and files, and make sure that you have a full backup that you can trust and recover if needed
  2. Export the language files (if you did any customization), to import them again after the upgrade
  3. Delete all files and directories excluding
    • the/files folder and all its subfolders and files
    • the customscripts folder
    • your own templates in templates/<yourowntemplate> (if you have any)
    • the config.php file in root folder
  4. Upload the new files
    • The upgrade procedure needs resources under install folder, so make sure to also upload this one
    • Forma.lms web is protected with apache .apache.htaccess files from unauthorized use. Often dot-files
      are hidden from view. Check your environment and be sure that also these files are uploaded
  5. Launch course you should type your domain, not ""com”)
  6. Follow upgrade instructions.
  7. As a final step of the upgrade, the procedure imports and updates all languages previously defined with the standard translations.
  8. At the end of the upgrade, go to the "Administration panel/Language"Language” to import your own language files
  9. To secure your installation, at the end of upgrade, remove or rename the install and upgrade folders .folders.

The procedure may change  the config.php file for you, or it may ask you to download it and upload to the web root folder, if not writable.

Upgrade from version 2.xx

During upgrade from forma.lms 2.x to forma.lms 2.2 and later, pay attention to
a) Template
Template 2.0 and 2.1 are not compatible with 2.2
During the upgradeupgrade, the site template is updated to "standard"“standard”.
Minimum template version required (see release notes)

Upgrade from version 1.xx

During upgrade from forma.lms 1.x to forma.lms 2.xx, pay attention to
a) Database
after upgrade the DB are not full compatible with forma.lms 1.xx, and there is no path to go back.
Made a backup before upgrade
b) Template
Template 1.xx are not compatible with 2.xx
During the upgradeupgrade, the site template is updated to "standard"“standard”
c) Dropped feature
d) Customscripts
All customization made through customscripts/ must be reviewed and ported to the 2.0 current
version. forma.lms does not check base version file with your customized version in customscripts
folder. There is no version check support for customscripts files

e) The update detects the use of the mysql / mysqli driver and changes the configuration appropriately

At the end of the upgrade process, check all the system configuration settings to validate your needs. The update procedure tries to keep the settings, but new options have been added and others have been removed

Please, double double-check the above release notes before upgrading

Upgrade from docebo ce 3.x, docebo ce 4.x

You can directly upgrade your old docebo (either series 3.6.x and 4.x) installations to forma.lms 2.x
The config.php file is completely changed from D36 and with more config options since D4.x
The upgrade procedure changes the config.php for you and writes it (if writable), or requires you to download it and upload to the web root folder.
Coming from D36, review the config.php and add your own settings, if needed.